Rabu, 20 November 2013
Skandal mata-mata dan dampaknya pada hubungan diplomatik
Polisi Prancis buru penembak juru kamera
Bentrok di Mesir, polisi lepaskan gas air mata
Ditolak pembubaran partai pemerintah Thailand
JK terkejut Australia sadap Indonesia
Belasan orang mengamuk di ruang sidang MK
Tresna Nano
Dari dulu Australia selalu intervensi urusan dalam negeri Indonesia, mulai dari Maluku, Papua, Aceh, Timor Timur hingga sekarang penyadapan. Australia memandang Indonesia sangat remeh sekali, Australia mengerti Indonesia tidak akan berbuat keras. Indonesia lemah maka Australia tidak akan pernah minta maaf. Australia sahabat yang biadab, menusuk dari belakang!"
Iran 'tak akan mundur' dari program nuklir
Keluarga Obama bertemu Malala
No need for England panic - Hodgson
SNMPTN 2014 dan cara pendaftaran SNMPTN Undangan 2014
Eqin SumberKita Coom di SNMPTN 2014 | Situs SNMPTN 2014 | SNMPTN 2014 Info Berita - 2 hari yang lalu

[image: SNMPTN 2014]*SNMPTN 2014 dan cara pendaftaran SNMPTN Undangan 2014*- HAL-HAL YANG DIJADIKAN PENILAIAN SNMPTN UNDANGAN ada beberapa hal yang dijadikan penilaian di SNMPTN Undangan. Perlu dicatat bahwa: Penilaian adalah otoritas MASING-MASING KAMPUS dan penilaian secara rincinya tidak diumumkan. hanya garis-garis besarnya saja yang dipublish. berikut ini beberapa kriteria penilaian yang secara umum digunakan, jadi mungkin aja ga semuanya kriteria yang gue tulis ini diperhatikan, atau mungkin cuma beberapa aja. 1. Nilai Raport - secara keseluruhan Di *SNMPTN undangan 2014*, nilai... lainnya »
Doctors Say Heart Drug Raised Risk of an Attack
Cardiologists who reported on a clinical trial said the company making the drug failed to turn over data that showed it didn’t work.
It’s a Fashion Show for Sports Teams
In recent years, locker rooms have become crammed with multiple uniform options in a riot of colors and fabrics. Some see branding opportunities and merchandise sales while others hope to attract recruits.
Magnetic nanoparticles could aid heat dissipation
MIT News - 12 jam yang lalu
Cooling systems generally rely on water pumped through pipes to remove unwanted heat. Now, researchers at MIT and in Australia have found a way of enhancing heat transfer in such systems by using magnetic fields, a method that could prevent hotspots that can lead to system failures. The system could also be applied to cooling everything from electronic devices to advanced fusion reactors, they say. The system, which relies on a slurry of tiny particles of magnetite, a form of iron oxide, is described in the *International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer*, in a paper co-authored by... lainnya »
Study finds more spending on fire suppression may lead to bigger fires
MIT News - 3 jam yang lalu
The “firefighting trap” is a term often used by business managers to describe a shortsighted cycle of problem-solving: dealing with “fires,” or problems, as they arise, but failing to address the underlying cause, thereby increasing the chance that the same problem will crop up in the future. Researchers at MIT’s Engineering Systems Division have now looked at the original inspiration for this “quick-fix” management strategy: firefighting itself. They combined regional fire data, such as the number of fires and the amount of land burned per year, with interviews conducted with fire... lainnya »
Menteri PU Resmikan Rusunawa dan Situ 1 ITB Jatinangor
ITB | Berita - 14 jam yang lalu
JATINANGOR, itb.ac.id- Menteri Pekerjaan Umum, Djoko Kirmanto, meresmikan 2 unit Twin Block (TB) Rumah Susun Mahasiwa (Rusunawa) dan Situ 1 ITB Jatinangor pada Selasa, (19/11/13). Peresmian yang digelar di Kampus ITB Jatinangor ini juga turut mengundang Rektor ITB, Prof. Akhmaloka dan Kepala Dinas Permukiman dan Perumahan Provinsi Jawa Barat, Bambang Riyanto.
Menolak perubahan teks terakhir (oleh dan mengembalikan revisi 7467239 oleh ←Revisi sebelumnya Revisi per 20 November 2013 13.27 Baris 1: Baris 1: {{artikel bagus}} {{artikel bagus}} {{refimprove}} {{refimprove}} − '''Globalisasi''' adalah saya tidak tahu + '''Globalisasi''' adalah keterkaitan dan ketergantungan antar bangsa dan antar manusia di seluruh dunia melalui perdagangan, investasi, perjalanan, budaya populer, dan bentuk-bentuk [[interaksi]] yang lain sehingga batas-batas suatu [[negara]] menjadi semakin sempit. Glo... lainnya »
City Room: New York Today: J.F.K. in the Bronx
What you need to know for Wednesday: J.F.K.’s local roots, more cold weather and a hearing on racial profiling of shoppers
Albuquerque Voters Defeat Anti-Abortion Referendum
The referendum, which had sought to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, was marked by record turnout and aggressive tactics by volunteers on both sides.
Well: Mother’s Exercise May Boost Baby’s Brain
A growing scientific consensus suggests that the benefits of exercise can begin to accumulate even before someone is born
TNI Tarik Personel dan 6 F16 dari Australia, Stop Latgab di Lembang
news.detik - 3 menit yang lalu
TNI menghentikan latihan bersama TNI AU dengan AU Australia di Darwin, Australia, menarik personel serta 6 pesawat F16 hari ini buntut instruksi Presiden SBY untuk menghentikan dulu kerjasama militer. TNI juga menghentikan latihan Kopassus dengan militer Australia di Lembang.
PM Abbott Ungkapkan Penyesalan dan Berjanji Segera Jawab Surat SBY
news.detik - 3 menit yang lalu
Tidak berselang lama pasca Presiden SBY menyampaikan pernyataannya terkait isu yang dilakukan Australia di Jakarta, PM Australia Tony Abbott langsung merespons. Abbott menyampaikan rasa sesal yang mendalam dan berjanji akan segera membalas surat SBY.
Misteri Penyebab Jatuhnya Direktur WIKA
news.detik - 3 menit yang lalu
Penyebab jatuhnya Direktur PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Ikuten Sinulingga, dari jembatan penyeberangan hingga kini masih misterius. Pagar jembatan setinggi 1 meter semakin menutup kemungkinan korban jatuh hanya karena terpeleset.
Tetap Deadlock Soal UMK Bandung, Buruh Tunggu Hingga Pukul 00.00
news.detik - 3 menit yang lalu
Pertemuan tertutup antara Wali Kota Bandung Ridwan Kamil dan perwakilan buruh selama satu jam tak menghasilkan titik temu. Buruh masih akan menunggu hingga pukul 00.00 WIB, sampai batas akhir penetapan UMK.
Selasa, 19 November 2013
Cheneys Defend Elder Daughter in Feud on Gay Marriage
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife said the feud pained them, but supported Liz Cheney, whose opposition to same-sex marriage has prompted criticism from her sister, Mary, who has a same-sex spouse.
Officials Were Warned About Health Site Woes
Senior Obama administration officials were warned by an outside management consultant early this year that the effort to build the HealthCare.gov site was falling behind.
Obama Pick for Court Is 3rd in a Row Blocked by Republicans
In blocking Judge Robert L. Wilkins’s nomination, Senate Republicans on Monday denied President Obama his third pick in recent weeks to fill a vacancy on the nation’s most powerful and prestigious appeals court.
Maria Bartiromo to Leave CNBC for Fox Business
Ms. Bartiromo, the anchor of CNBC’s “Closing Bell,” will join the Fox Business Network and Fox News next week.
Slowdown in Carbon Emissions Worldwide, but Coal Burning Continues to Grow
Experts said the world remains far from meeting international goals on climate change.
Cause of Gas Leak That Killed 2 Colorado Miners Is Sought
Inspectors said the two men died of carbon monoxide poisoning Sunday at a mining site in southwestern Colorado that has had a troubled safety record.
DealBook: Regulators See Value in Bitcoin, and Investors Hasten to Agree
Federal officials told a Senate hearing that virtual currencies like bitcoin offered real benefits for the financial system.
His Honor? Toronto’s Mayor Rampages On, to City’s Shame
Even after the Toronto City Council voted to strip him of most of his budget and staff, Mayor Rob Ford refused to bow to pressure and leave office.
‘Spider-Man’ to Close on Broadway
A somewhat revamped version of the musical “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark” is planned for Las Vegas in 2015.
DealBook: John Edwards Revisits His Past, Hanging Law Shingle Again
The path back for Mr. Edwards began when his legal troubles ended last year. Prosecutors had charged him with misusing nearly $1 million in campaign donations.
Europeans Fault American Safety Effort in Bangladesh
Europeans claimed that Americans were trying to avoid paying for safety improvements at factories and criticized an independent inspection effort by Walmart.
Latest Release of Documents on N.S.A. Includes 2004 Ruling on Email Surveillance
The Obama administration on Monday made public a trove of documents, including a court ruling that approved a program to track Americans’ emails during the Bush administration.
Dies Natalis Radio Kampus ITB: Tekankan Pentingnya Teknologi
ITB | Berita - 4 hari yang lalu
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Radio Kampus Institut Teknologi Bandung (RK ITB) merayakan ulang tahun yang ke-14 dengan mengadakan Dies Natalis "Reinkarnasi" pada Sabtu (09/11/13). Acara yang bertempat di Gedung Laboratorium Teknologi (labtek) VIII Institut Teknologi Bandung ini mengusung tema futuristik. Sekitar 100 orang kru serta calon kru (cakru) RK angkatan 2008 - 2013 berpartisipasi dalam Dies Natalis ini.
Enggar Amretacahya: Mencoba Berkarya untuk Bangsa Indonesia di Amerika Serikat
ITB | Berita - 1 hari yang lalu
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Indonesia memang tidak pernah berhenti menghasilkan putra-putri terbaik yang diakui kemampuannya di kancah internasional. Begitupun dengan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) yang selalu berusaha menghasilkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) berkualitas untuk kemajuan bangsa ini. Salah satu putra bangsa yang sedang berusaha mengharumkan nama Indonesia di dunia internasional adalah, Enggar Amretacahya (Alumni Teknik Perminyakan 2009). Enggar sedang melanjutkan studinya di Oklahoma, Amerika Serikat setelah terpilih sebagai salah satu mahasiswa Indonesia yang mendapatkan *in... lainnya »
Universitas Negeri Selangor Malaysia Berikan Rektor ITB Gelar Kehormatan
ITB | Berita - 1 hari yang lalu
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Tidak hanya mahasiswa/i ITB yang kerap mengharumkan nama ITB sepanjang tahun ini. Kali ini, kabar membanggakan datang dari Rektor ITB, Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka. Pada bulan Oktober lalu, bertepatan dengan sidang terbuka wisuda Universitas Negeri Selangor (UNISEL) pada Sabtu-Minggu ( 26-27/10/13) beliau dianugerahi Gelar Dokter Kehormatan 'Honoris Causa' atas kontribusinya dalam mempromosikan dan mendukung Universitas Negeri Selangor dan Pemerintah untuk mewujudkan pendidikan luar biasa dan penelitian dengan berbagi pengetahuan yang luas
Siti Herni Rochana : Dosen ITB Peraih Penghargaan Karya Tulis Tingkat Nasional
ITB | Berita - 1 hari yang lalu
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - "Bermanfaatlah untuk sesama dengan ilmu yang kamu punya," ujar Siti Herni Rochana, salah satu sivitas akademika ITB yang baru memulai karirnya di ITB setahun lalu. pengalaman setahun di ITB ini rupanya cukup memompa semangat Siti Herni untuk terus berbagi ilmu khususnya di studi yang sudah cukup lama ia tekuni, ekonomi. Belum lama ini, Siti Herni dengan karyanya yang berjudul "Kesenjangan Ekonomi Antar Wilayah pada Era Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia".berhasil meraih Juara Harapan Tiga Tingkat Nasional pada Sayembara Karya Tulis Otonomi Daerah yang diadakan oleh As... lainnya »
Envoria 2013: Competition, Ecorsion, and Exhibition
ITB | Berita - 23 jam yang lalu
BANDUNG,itb.ac.id- Globalisasi tidak bisa menjadi alasan untuk melupakan aspek lingkungan dalam kehidupan manusia. Hal inilah yang membuat Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan (HMTL ITB) menggelar acara *Environmental Euphoria* (Envoria2013) dengan tajuk *Competition, Ecorsion and Exhibition*pada Sabtu (16/11/2013) di Lapangan CC Timur ITB.
Pharmanova 2013, Siapkan Farmasis untuk Hadapi Tantangan di Masa Depan
ITB | Berita - 21 jam yang lalu
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Himpunan Mahasiswa Farmasi ITB (HMF 'Ars Praeparandi' ITB) kembali mengadakan acara akbar dua tahunan yang ditujukan untuk mahasiswa farmasi di seluruh Indonesia. Pharmanova 2013, yang merupakan singkatan dari *Pharmacy on Innovation* ini diselenggarakan pada Jumat-Minggu (08-10/11/13). Pharmanova terdiri dari empat rangkaian acara yaitu seminar, *Preparation Day for the Future* (PDF), *Patient Counseling Event *(PCE), dan Lomba Produk Kesehatan Nasional (LPKN).
IED 2013: Wujudkan Raksasa-Raksasa Bisnis Baru Indonesia
ITB | Berita - 18 jam yang lalu
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Kementrian Kewirausahaan Keluarga Mahasiswa ITB (KM ITB)menyelenggarakan acara ITB Entrepreneur Day 2013 (IED 2013) pada Sabtu, (16/11/13) di Aula Barat ITB. Acara IED 2013 merupakan acara talkshow dan workshop tentang kewirausahaan yang pertama kali diadakan oleh Kabinet Pelita Muda KM ITB. Acara yang mengundang pengusaha-pengusaha besar alumni ITB ini dikhususkan untuk seluruh mahasiswa ITB dengan biaya gratis.
3 Questions: Richard Binzel on the discovery of three large, near-Earth asteroids
MIT News - 1 minggu yang lalu
*Last week, scientists in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences helped characterize three large, near-Earth asteroids, two of which measure about 12 miles in diameter — the largest asteroids to have been discovered in 23 years. The smallest of the three asteroids measures little more than a mile across, but it may pass within 3.4 million miles of Earth, making it a “potentially hazardous asteroid.” The team made their measurements using NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii as part of a project devoted to determining the compositions of new comets and... lainnya »
MIT’s Lobby 10 to be renamed in honor of fallen veterans
MIT News - 1 minggu yang lalu
Lobby 10, an area below MIT’s Great Dome that has long been a gathering place and site of spontaneous performances, will soon receive a new official designation: On Nov. 18, it will be renamed “Memorial Lobby” in commemoration of MIT alumni who have given their lives in wartime as members of the military services. The lobby’s walls already bear engraved memorials listing MIT alumni who gave their lives in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The lobby is also the site, once a year, of a 24-hour silent vigil by members of MIT’s ROTC programs. Last year, the... lainnya »
Cooling when there’s too much heat
MIT News - 1 minggu yang lalu
When an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011, knocking out emergency power supplies, crews sprayed seawater on the reactors to cool them — to no avail. One possible reason: Droplets can’t land on surfaces that hot. Instead, they instantly begin to evaporate, forming a thin layer of vapor and then bouncing along it — just as they would in a hot cooking pan. Now, MIT researchers have come up with a way to cool hot surfaces more effectively by keeping droplets from bouncing. Their solution: Decorate the surface with tiny structures and then coat... lainnya »
A new path for growth
MIT News - 6 hari yang lalu
The last three decades have represented a time of tectonic change in much of Latin America: Many authoritarian governments have been replaced by democracies, and free-market principles have supplanted many of the command economies of the past. Overall, these “shifts in the role of the state in Latin America have been epochal,” as MIT’s Ben Ross Schneider writes in a new book on the state of capitalism in the region. But the redevelopment of many of those states has not gone quite as politicians, policymakers, and economic theorists might have anticipated, as Schneider asserts in th... lainnya »
An economist with a goal
MIT News - 5 hari yang lalu
Soccer puts a smile on Jonathan Tebes’ face, but a mention of economics or international development — or better yet, both at once — will keep him talking animatedly for hours. An MIT senior majoring in economics and minoring in public policy with a focus on development economics, Tebes is passionate about using economic theory in practice to alleviate poverty an improve lives. It was on a soccer field — one in his hometown of Hamden, Conn. — that Tebes was introduced at an early age to the face of poverty. “I played soccer with one of my good friends since I was about 8 years old,... lainnya »
Better batteries through biology?
MIT News - 5 hari yang lalu
Lithium-air batteries have become a hot research area in recent years: They hold the promise of drastically increasing power per battery weight, which could lead, for example, to electric cars with a much greater driving range. But bringing that promise to reality has faced a number of challenges, including the need to develop better, more durable materials for the batteries’ electrodes and improving the number of charging-discharging cycles the batteries can withstand. Now, MIT researchers have found that adding genetically modified viruses to the production of nanowires — wires th... lainnya »
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