Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Official Best Graduate Representative Speech LBPP LIA 2012

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning Everyone. I’m M Rifki Al Ikhsan from Higher Intermediate IV-3 Class Term III/2012 taught by Ms. Asri Diah Kumalawati. I’m here to deliver my speech as the representative of Higher Intermediate Graduate

Ladies and gentlemen

Two years in LIA is such a wonderful experience in my life. It’s started on June of 2010 when I was still in the last year of my junior high school. I passed the placement test and got the English for Teens 5 Level. However, my ET story couldn’t be ended completely since I decided to join the EA program in the following year. Then, I underwent the placement test again and Alhamdulillah I directly admitted in the last level of Intermediate Levels, Intermediate 4-1 class. At the beginning, I was a bit shocked with the tight lessons, especially for writing an essay. I didn’t receive introductory chapters about it but fortunately with the patience of my Ms. Tini Intani, S. Pd who was my teacher class for that level I could learn it with a little struggle.

Ladies and gentlemen

The opening level of my story in English for Adult Program of LBPP LIA Palembang was the same struggle as my closing level, Higher Intermediate 4. In this level, I was educated not only the English intelligence but also patient, initiative, innovative, and hard-worker traits as the character building of LIA Graduate. Reaching the deadline of my paper topic, proposing the outline in more than three times, and facing the hair-dryer treatment after earning a pain ideas are the memories and experiences during my HI-IN 4 Level that have make me stronger, more optimistic, and enjoyable in being busy and struggle with my school and life.
So, I and all of LBPP LIA Palembang Student Year 2012 have to thank to all the teachers who has ever taught us for the patience, knowledge, and motivation in being better in English. We are so lucky as getting the chance for studying the most essential skill in this globalization era in such a great course like LIA. Moreover, being the student of experienced and extraordinary LIA teachers make us so grateful and motivated to be better, better, and better for our future English Proficiency.

My beloved teachers and the honourable Director of LBPP LIA Palembang, Mr. Rusdi

As the graduate of LBPP LIA Palembang, we hope LIA still be the everlasting best English course in this Pempek City. We can’t give any correction or complaint to the English programs that we got here, but we want to request an IELTS or SAT Preparation test since we haven’t found any English course in Palembang has this preparation test program and we realize that with all of LIA’s power, commitment, and quality it’s not a difficult chore to be begin. Since the more international schools grow in our city, the more international English proficiency certificates are needed.

 Ladies and gentlemen

That’s all of my speech as the representative student of General English Graduate of LBPP LIA Academic Year of 2012 Term I-IV. Thank you very much for your great attention.

Billa hi taufiq wal hidayah
Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

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